Impact of ice rates increasing again for 2023, News (Twin Centre Minor Hockey)

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Feb 12, 2023 | David Dienesch | 551 views
Impact of ice rates increasing again for 2023
Twin Centre Minor Hockey Association feels it is important to communicate further operating cost increases that our association will be required to cover starting next season.

The Township of Wellesley has approved a further 6.3% increase to the minor hockey ice rate that comes into effect as of May 1 2023.  This is in addition to the ice rate increase that was passed on to us last season of 2.8% ($3.50 per hour).  This results in ice rates increasing by 9.1% (12.54 per hour) over the last 2 seasons.  With this change, TCMHA will see total operating costs for ice rentals increase approximately $11,000 for next season.

On an annual basis, TCMHA is the single largest ice rental user in the Township of Wellesley and we rent approximately 1,200 hours of ice each season to operate all of our programming so a further increase of $9.04 per hour of ice time will have an impact on our operating costs.  We had expected a 1-2% increase over the next few years but that communication has abruptly changed from the Township and we will be required to account for the new ice rates starting in September 2023.  We are not aware of any service changes or improvements as a result of the increased ice rental fees.

Your Board of Directors felt it necessary to ensure this operating cost impact was communicated to all our members ahead of 2023-2024 hockey registration since this will likely impact registration fees.


David Dienesch
Twin Centre Minor Hockey Association