Dec 23, 2016 | Mike Ellison White | 774 views
Twas the Last Game Before Christmas (Dec 22nd game)
Twas the last game before Christmas, and all through the dressing room, the players were all ready, the game could not start too soon.
The boys wore their Twin Centre jerseys with great care, with hopes that a home win would soon be theirs.
The coaches all gave their advice, it needed to be said, the players all understood, each nodding their head.
With the coaches behind the bench, and Coach Mike with his blinking hat, the starting line got ready, the others they sat.
The 1st period began with such a great cheer, and after the buzzer went, the teams were at 0-0, all tied up here.
Then came the 2nd period which went by in a flash, at the end of the period we were down 3-0, the boys did not cash.
With a break between periods, feeling a bit low, the boys lacked some lustre, this they did know.
But the boys got set for the 3rd period to appear, a team of driven players ready to play with no fear.
The 3rd period began, so lively and quick, we knew in that moment that this game was going to be "SICK"!
Our boys played rapid, and the goals they a-came, as the coaches called directions to each player by name...
Go Sam! Go Alex! Go Lucas and Gabe! Shoot Noah! Pass Conall! Stretch Hayden! Ethan...nice save!
Push on Alex! Move on Matt! And pass it on Cole...the boys stepped up their game and there was another goal.
We pulled out our goalie, the boys went hard to work, they filled the net with shots, for a rebound our players did lurk.
As the puck lay in the crease, a crowd did arose, then the ref blows a whistle....a penalty shot....the tension grows.
Noah springs to his feet and brings the puck to the net, a deke here, a deke there, then 5 hole he went.
We sprang to our feet as the ref blew his whistle, a tie game it became...8 seconds from dismissal.
Congrats to our boys that game was quite the sight, but now's the time to say...Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Coach Mike
(Congrats to our goal scorers Conall and Noah (x2).