Pizza order pick up tonight - Nov 11, News, Midget Rep, U18, 2014-2015 (Twin Centre Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 11, 2014 | Pattiw | 821 views
Pizza order pick up tonight - Nov 11
Here is the email reminder that was sent today to the parent reps from Jody Draves:

Just a reminder to let your parents know that pick up for pizza orders are tonight at the Wellesley Community Centre  from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. All orders that are not picked up by 7:00pm will be donated to the local food bank.   I also need some volunteers to help tonight as other commitments have come and now I am short with volunteers to help unload and sort orders for me. If anyone can help, please email me. This would be greatly appreciated. The truck will be there for 4:15 to unload so if anyone could come for 4:00pm to help. Even if it is only for any hour to help unload or help sort orders later. I will sign any sheet for volunteer hours for any students that need hours also.