Sunday's Game, News, PeeWee Rep, U13, 2014-2015 (Twin Centre Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 12, 2014 | jsch | 1061 views
Sunday's Game
For Sunday's game, due to the number of players still trying out for our team, we will have several players sitting out. My coaching staff and I have spoken to the players who will be sitting on Sunday, and these players know that not playing doesn't mean that they have made the team, or have not made it, it is simply a matter of us having too many players to dress everyone.

We will be making our final player releases after the game on Sunday, as the PeeWee AE team tryouts have begun already and they need to have all of the necessary players available for their tryouts. My coaching staff and I will make our final decisions after Sunday's game, and will speak with the players individually to let them know of our decisions. This process will take some time due to the number of players we need to speak with, so we ask for your patience after the game.

For the players who are playing on Sunday, we would like to ask that you be at the arena 1 hour before game time. We also would like to ask that the players who are not playing also make sure they attend Sunday's game so we can speak to them regarding our final releases after the game as well.

See you all at the rink on Sunday.