Jan 15, 2015 | jwil | 1466 views
Stars vs Arthur Jan 3/15
The puck didn’t bounce our way during the game against Arthur!
Although the Stars played a great game the puck just wasn’t bouncing our way!
We started off a bit sluggish but found momentum in the second half which resulted in a great skating and exciting game!
Regardless of the score we are still very proud of our results! With some added hustle along with good positional and heads up plays, the Stars showed some positive results for the second half of the game!
The most important play of the game,which I think needs to be shared, didn't happen on the ice it happened on the bench!
As we are down in the game and everyone feeling a little discouraged Spencer Reis comments “as long as we are having fun who cares”!
Well done and great sportsmanship Spencer!